Diane Duane has been a science fiction and fantasy writer for nearly forty years. Her best known works include her long-running (since 1983) “Young Wizards” series — its (sort of) eleventh and twelfth novels Young Wizards: Lifeboats and Interim Errantry 2: On Ordeal, having come out in 2017.
She’s also known for the nine bestselling Star Trek novels for which, among many other works, she was awarded the Grand Master / lifetime achievement award of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers.
She is presently working on the epic fantasy series begun almost forty years ago with The Door Into Fire, having recendly added the bridging novella Tales of the Five #1: The Levin-Gad and bridging novel Tales of the Five #2: The Landlady. Three more bridging works are planned for late this year and early next in preparation for the publication of book 4, The Door Into Starlight.
Diane was one of the Guests of Honour for Dublin 2019, an Irish Worldcon (15-19 August). View her schedule.
Visit her website: dianeduane.com
Follow her on Twitter: @dduane